Winter Solstice ~ Visioning and Manifesting

Winter Solstice


“The music is happy, light and joy-filled which is what you want while you actively feel into your future self now!”

Yesterday I began my new angel assignment of listening to “Visioning” daily for the rest of …

Day 32 Ta da!!! Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Labyrinth

Wow, my last day of my “Angelic Recipe”! (Until the next one…tomorrow!)

Of course I got 32 days “assigned” to me, rather than 30 days. LOL, maybe it is like baking a cake in high …

Day 31 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Labyrinth

My intention is to increase my motivation and to decrease areas of sabotage.

This piece of music is a great example of why there are not samples of the music on the site to choose …

Day 30 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”


Song Title: Labyrinth

Intention is connection and gratitude.

I play the music and close my eyes and notice a very specific rhythm to the music…it really feels very hypnotic and I end up falling asleep on the plane where …

Day 29 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Labyrinth

Holy cow!

Not even sure where to begin.

Hmmm well not too far into the music I noticed some judgments about aspects of the music and I was quickly shown the word “diffuse”.

Uh ok.…

Day 28 Deborah’s “Angelic Recipe”


No time for a picture or checking spelling

Song Title: Ascension

It’s 9:22 am and I am flying over the Rockies headed to celebrate my honey’s birthday with him.

In the 28 days, I think this is the 5

Day 27 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Ascension

Connection and gratitude are my intentions

I began the meditation seeing swirling energy in a clockwise direction. I just observed and then it seemed that what I was grateful for and other stuff began to …

Day 26 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”


Song Title: Ascension

My intention today was to just connect and be. I woke up early which is pretty much my thing anyway, but I wasn’t getting back to sleep. I listened to a different guided meditation to feed

Day 25 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”


Song Title: Ascension

What do I need to know, what would serve my highest good to understand for the alignment of today’s energy?

My least favorite meditation so far and of course it is perfect…really should be a favorite …

Day 24 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Ascension

Again zipped into the meditation without an intention. As the music began I put out a quick call to “connection”.

As it is almost time to pick up my daughter I realize that this may …

Day 23 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”

12-6-11 ~ St. Nicholas Day


Song Title: Ascension

I started the music without an intention and stayed in bed. Immediately was guided to sit up…resistance…again sit up and even an arrow that pointed up…sheesh…ok…I sit up.

Point here is …

Day 22 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”




Song Title: Ascension

Now that I begin typing, I realize that I didn’t set any kind of conscious intention but I was super excited to go to this piece of music, so I guess that in itself

Day 21 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Infinity

I was just thinking how this song was the first of the 11 pieces of music to be channeled and birthed. My life, again, has changed for the better by saying, “yes” to this Spirit

Day 20 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Infinity

My intention for today is what do I need to know for my highest good today!

Before the music started I received the inspiration to give away free “Angelic Recipe’s” on the Gary and Suzanne’s …

Day 19 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Infinity

Today’s intention is communion, cleansing and clearing~


Blessings-saw a card in my minds eye with an angel hovering about the city sprinkling blessings like rain.

Gifts-the awareness of the gifts of my life and …

Day 18 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Infinity

Again, I am “up in the air” doing my meditation. Perfect, as most of us have lived with the concept that God, Source or whatever name you have for Divinity is somewhere outside of ourselves,