Day 21 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Infinity

I was just thinking how this song was the first of the 11 pieces of music to be channeled and birthed. My life, again, has changed for the better by saying, “yes” to this Spirit directed inspiration.

The demonstrations have been amazing and I am reminded as I type to put into my book an amazing demonstration that occurred 3 days after the launch of the site and the re-launch of my radio show.

My intention today is stillness, gratitude and continued awakening to all the juicy stuff that is me and that wants to emerge and blossom through me.

Instantly, I was aware of the top of my head and the tingling feeling and light pressure that was there.

Mostly quietness prevailed as I listened. It seemed that most thoughts just came in gently and left as gently, except one that I could feel the heat of guilt or shame or embarrassment from long ago.

Always the continued awareness of the old must be let go so that the new can prevail.

I felt this was an opportunity to actually see these events as the perfect experiences I needed and holding on to these lower vibrations does not serve me. These were not conscious, but subconscious and so through this vibrational music it is allowed to gently surface, safely and a choice is offered to keep it or see the experience from a higher perspective.

As I type this I think of the woman who hung up on me/us while I was a guest on the Mantz and Mitchell/Gary Mantz show who said, “Well, you make it sound so easy and it is not!”

I get that it can feel hard to change, but what if the first thought we need to change is that it is so hard?

Anyway, back to my experience~

I am thankful and I released what needed to go and cooled down literally within my body.

How I did this is by what I said before, I decided to see the experience as perfect, that’s it…it has to be because I experienced it and everything I have experienced has led me to open up more and more to the Oneness we are.

It is about removing what layers we can. If we should see evidence there is more to move through we just simply move through it and see what the next layer has to offer us and what we choose to do in response to it.

Often our ego says we already worked on this, I did this in therapy 10 years ago, or whatever our story is. That is true we did “work” on it to point that we could and now we are ready to take it to the next level.

Next, I concentrated on my breathing and just stayed still. It is very bright in the room I am staying in and I felt a need to cover my eyes with my hands. When I did I saw the most beautiful aqua.

I remained in this color and stillness for the remainder of the music.

Be well,

Deborah “Atianne” Wilson

2 thoughts on “Day 21 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”

  1. This is such a beautiful and inspiring blog post today! Thank you for sharing it!
    Tomorrow will be day seven of Becoming You for my experience. I asked the angels if the cold I have ( I never get sick, so this is super inconvenient for me) is preventing me from getting all I need from the past week with this beautiful music? I heard more clearly what they said a couple days ago (guess I wasn’t ready to hear it) but I was exactly where I needed to be. But I feel like I haven’t done enough, seen enough experienced enough I told them… I hear, “Be still” ( they know I dislike that idea….) I countered with, am I doing something wrong this week? I hear: “The cold serves to remind you to slow down and accept we can do this work perfectly fine without your help, thank you very much ” ( funny, I get it). They close with ” We’re doing our job, now you keep doing yours” ( I get that they mean keep working out and collaborating on my business). They are encouraging to to write this: this music, my 30 day recipe and the experience I take away will play into my business… I know what this means, and know in the coming year this will help others.
    I am also needing to thank Dante, through the validation of Deborah writing about her dog 12-5 11. Thank you for allowing me to see you as your beautiful, healthy spirit, I loved seeing you run last night in my dream… Can’t help but cry as I write this.. I hope we did enough for you.

  2. Julie, I can feel the emotion in your post…

    Let go, as you did do “enough”…it is perfect. I see a big grin from Dante!

    Your hearing is becoming more crystal clear with the vibration of the music and your intention…just remember to go beyond hearing to listening, which has an active quality to take what you are getting and put it into action.

    This essence is, “Pray and move your feet”

    XO Deborah

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