Winter Solstice
“The music is happy, light and joy-filled which is what you want while you actively feel into your future self now!”
Yesterday I began my new angel assignment of listening to “Visioning” daily for the rest of 2011.
Yesterday I kept it on repeat and listened with eyes closed and opened. I wrote on a pad of paper all the things that came to me to bring into the New Year, both personally and professionally. It felt very much like the beginning of what’s to come and certainly not limited to the page I wrote.
I woke up thinking I am not going to do a Radio show today as it feels like a day of being more introspective…
LOL…duh…that is what Winter Solstice energy is all about.
It is a day to give to me and be with what feels good to do…just be…although that often feels more like a laying around in my PJs kinda word …it really is a mindful word.
During my meditation the above quote came about this particular piece of music that makes it so perfect for the feeling tones this brings which are I alignment for conscious manifesting work.
I also was encouraged to sit up and when I did I was moving with the music and I heard “Be still and know I AM GOD!”.
So bossy!
The energy as you can imagine changed dramatically. Gentle yet MIGHTY. Best words to describe it as well as a fast track to going in deep quickly.
I had lot’s of physical clearing and motivating for the visions I was experiencing of my future, especially in my throat and chest. Makes sense of course, as feelings of being scared often come up when we see things we have yet to do and have not experienced yet.
Our work, our play is to do them anyway!
Dedicated to your spiritual awakening~
Deborah “Atianne” Wilson
Happy Solstice to you! May peace surround everyone today! I am in for the Visioning assignment! So looking forward to the interplay of this with my 30 day recipe (might I add that Awakening is one mighty song, as they all are in their own way!). Feeling the love from this music each and every day! What a gift, Deborah, what a gift…
Dear Deborah and Friends,
Today I have finished my Angelic Recipe and I so wanted to share before I leave tomorrow for my Christmas holiday. I had a very peculiar and strange yet beautiful month. My first days of listening were tender and dear as I had the aim of wanting to verify that the angelic realm was really supporting me. Many different things began happening. As I am in a deep healing process of recovering very painful childhood abuse memories, part of me was asking to know the truth; the truth that will finally let me recover my Divine Essence and the recovery from all of the false beliefs that I learned to believe about myself. When I changed music to follow my recipe, I felt like I was being ‘shaken from head to toe’, shaken out of the lies and false beliefs with a powerful loving energy. One day in particular, something strange had happened with my pc that I listen to my music from and I lost the music file. I actually deleted it by mistake and it took me 6 days to figure out that I had to buy the piece over again. Then, as I was downloading the new file my computer decided to do an anti-virus update at the same moment I was downloading the file….completely strange!! So, I downloaded that piece of music that was shaking me up so much again and finally finished listening to all of my recipe!! Even though I don’t completely understand the reason for what has happened, I do know that I have cleaned through layers and am still clearing through layers of resistance in knowing deep in my heart that I am loved by the Divine. I am learning how to love the hurt, angry and resistant child that lays within me and who needs my constant loving support as an adult; a loving adult who is learning how to reach out to the higher realms. I have understood that I am ascending even when things get triggered and I go into resistance and begin judging myself again. Literally judging myself for judging myself! At least now I am seeing it. I feel grateful that I can open and share this truth with all of you! Merry Christmas. Thank you Deborah and Ardekiel! with love, daniela
I’ve taken an intentional break before beginning my next 30 day recipe next week, but I woke up today and was called to listen to three pieces and just be still… Thought I’d share… Thank you
Infinity: very odd experience. I love this piece and know my soul needed to hear this. Everything is in a bubble during this time. Michael usually shows himself to me in a beautiful blue energy wave.. He does so now very vibrantly but inside this bubble. I’m asking for healing of my nephew ( and our family) as he has his surgeries today and Thursday. I now see the bubble has turned into an eye… This makes sense to me. My nephew will likely not recover full vision in his left eye and whatever it is Michael is doing I think has to do with this. I see a new vibrational color I have never seen or experienced, and I find I’m slightly thrown off… Uncomfortable….I actually want to back away from it (it has a strong powerful vibration that overwhelms me) Michael surrounds this new energy which actually made it expand and there are electrical currents running all through this new energy.. It would seem logical to be Raphael, but it’s not. The most unique yellow and green. I ask for clarification…. It (they?) Just expand as I keep my eyes shut. I honestly can’t tell if this is meant for my nephew, me or? Maybe it’s my ego now but I just heard “It’s for all”..,
I feel like this somehow will be relevant, not only today but in the coming month. I’ll be starting my next 30 day recipe, and know it will be calling me even more out of my comfort zone… But in a most welcome way and for my highest good.
Now that I am done here I feel kind of…sad… But I’m not sure why? It was an amazing experience.
Thank you for a forum to share our experiences. Blessings to us all.
Deborah, “Be still and know that I am God” has been my meditation mantra since 1996! It is no coincidence I read this blog today. The music of Ardekiel is amazing. I have been listening to “my three songs” daily and have definitely felt more patience, joy, kindness, and compassion. It reminds me of this reading from Galatians:
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
Jesus said “By their fruits you will know them.” So, this is all I need to know that the Ardekiel music is real. Thank you so much for your unique gifts. Aloha.
Before the recipe I was channel writing an ascended master and my angels would also chime in. I’ve been writing down my experiences after each listen as part of the recipe but other stuff creeps in from the “others” that I also write down. Often it expands on what I experienced during the meditation and some new items to help my development. I know I am growing faster with the music as it adds another new dimension to my writing.
Sam, I am so delighted you posted this. I know that the listening and journaling really amp up our spiritual growth and understanding…the personal as well as Universal insights are wonderful and are truly shifting this dimension…your share supports others and so thank you so much!