Awakening the Heart

Day 17

January 23, 2012


Today was an inspiring journey in a sweet, subtle and yet profound meditation. I post today to show again the variation of what can happen for you, to you and through you as you use music as one source of your connection with Spirit and as a daily meditative spiritual practice.

Song Title: Awakening

My intention today was to clear and connect and be in a state of surrender.

I felt called to lay flat and open my arms up in a posture that feels open and very surrendering.

I had insight from Archangel Ardekiel around supporting those who are in the Free Oneness Group on Facebook (anyone who is using the music is invited) and I also saw to add on my website the Free offering of Reiki that I will do once a month as a group.

I had forgotten to get that information up and had only written that in one of the posts here from a different meditation.

Today, for the second time in a week I had what I lovingly call the Divine Surgeons come in during a meditation an energetically work on me.

The posture, the music and my intentions led me to see this circle of beings come in and literally work on my heart space.

A gentle and beautiful vision of my heart space being opened, and cleared and feeling so connected.

I say literally, because I can feel this subtle energy of expansion in my chest and an open space that one might mistake as a hole, but it really is more of space that looks empty, but is full. They opened the space, they “worked” on the space and then they closed the space in it’s new state.

As I type I am reminded that I gave my son, guided by my angels of course, an assignment last night to listen to this very song for 7 days. He also shared he was happy about being included in the Oneness community on Facebook and to hear all that was being shared. Makes me smile. So for those of you in that group…what you are posting does make a difference!

I feel good and my heart feels full this morning and I am inspired to play all the music as I do some of the behind the scenes stuff of my business and home this morning. Playing this music while you circulate the energy of money…like paying bills is very helpful.

***Awakening is a very heart opening song and can especially be used to support heart ache, dissolving the walls we unconsciously form for protection and help us all to trust the inner wisdom that comes from our “Soul Brain” which of course is the heart.


2 thoughts on “Awakening the Heart

  1. So True Crystal ~
    The pieces we tend to have a reaction to are the very pieces that are perfect for us!
    It was a beautiful experience and super heart opening!

    Deborah “Atianne” Wilson

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