Day 31 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Labyrinth

My intention is to increase my motivation and to decrease areas of sabotage.

This piece of music is a great example of why there are not samples of the music on the site to choose from. I am not sure of the total number of times I have listened to this piece, but as you can see from two days ago…parts of it bugged me days ago, yesterday I fell asleep and today is completely different.

When any irritation comes up, it generally means it is the perfect piece…it feels like it hits those parts of us that need clearing and areas of energy that are blocking us from experiencing the peace of who we really are.

I am motivated and feel called to do an Isagenix cleanse today and also to go to Sound Health here in Boulder with my daughter who is “under the weather” and have some relaxing treatments.

I saw for my daughter one treatment that would reduce inflammation in her chest, head and actually her ankle that she sprained weeks ago and for me one that would support today’s cleanse.

I was encouraged to sit up straighter and as I did my entire body felt cool and hot at the same time…reminded me of how mint can feel both cool and hot.

I felt like I was being cleansed, which I am all for.

Thoughts of continually working on clearing subconscious stuff came in. It is a huge part of my practice and my angel work to move quickly through the layers of subconscious beliefs and stories that are generally the driving force for most people and not for our highest good!

This practice is like rebooting.

What I love about this music is that unless it is really necessary to consciously be aware of something, we can actually clear stuff without delving deep into issues for long periods of time…which is exactly what most people are afraid of, in doing their inner work.

If something comes up, I am always shown it is because we are ready to move through it so it is a good thing.

Being afraid of what “might” come up, keeps people stuck and feeling powerless. Facing those things, especially unknown or deeper layers to what we may have already addressed, is truly liberating.

I am seeing some new intentions for my next 30 days to bring in my desires for the New Year.

My body continued to feel both warm and cool. I saw that my dedication to my spiritual inner journey needs to be more in balance with a physical one as well.

As I type, I think about how I was all about a lot of intellectual opening in 2010, 2011 has been about opening bigger spiritually and 2012 looks like weaving in the physical in a more holistic approach with more balance.

Ok I’m in…Thank God for the music as it really keeps a more steady vibration as I move forward. I am actually getting excited to see what the next combination of songs will be for me.

Until tomorrow, the final day of this practice and the beginning of a new one…

Dedicated to you and your continued awakening~

Deborah “Atianne” Wilson




One thought on “Day 31 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”

  1. Did 30 days really come and go so quickly? I literally feel like a kid at Christmas. I couldn’t sleep at all last night. I didn’t have time to do my 30th meditation until well into the night, and my experience was so intense.
    Symbiotic was first. I found it hard to settle in, my mind kept wandering and jumping all over the map…and back through the years. When I tried to settle my mind, I was told, no just go with it. On one hand it was like a small child getting all the wiggles out before bedtime or something, but the other side of this was like a ‘review.’
    As a child ( in my head) I would often ask Jesus if I could sit with him a while, this always came through and we would sit& it was on the beach, a sunny day and a huge log that we would sit and I just found such comfort. As a kid I thought, this feels so real … sweet memory…
    Then there are pets, family members, odd symbols and colors I do not understand, but don’t need to.
    Back to flashes of trusted Ascended Masters, and Saints. I see Mary, Ganesh, St. Germain and my Feng Shui protectors, Quan Yin and Lakshmi. I see St. Teresa of the child Jesus. This is an interesting hello, as I have not thought about her in years.
    Back to feeling like I need to pull myself back in but again I hear let it be.
    Ok, song 2:
    Infinity: Love, Love, Love, Infinity… I settle in and think back to my first 7 days with this beautiful music. Lots of healthy roots started here and I thank the Angels and bands of helpers for answering my prayer for change, help and a new start. Peace….
    Song three and I will have an ongoing journey for a while I believe.
    There are parts I know I am not yet willing and or able to open up to, release or accept? Hmmm. Anyway this song pushed me out of my comfort zone… Since I’ve been asking for change for quite some time this song is a welcome yet uncomfortable place to go at times.
    Our old cat Grizz comes to sit with me now. I always call him our healing cat as he has been by my sons side through many, many years of illness. So, I smile at the angels way of reaching me as well. I tell myself (EGO) this is it, day 30.. last song… and you are feeling agitated? Great!
    I hear, ‘stop the music’. Okay.
    ‘ No, just this isn’t the end of the journey, you are not suppose to have all the answers right now. Never will you have all the answers and tomorrow is a new day.’
    Okay, I get that and embrace it completely.
    I will begin again my next thirty days and am so excited to see where we go from here.
    I hope to read more of the journeys of others here. This community is so healthy, fresh and just good!
    I hope someone stumbling ( so you may think at first) on to this site will find the joy, comfort, discomfort (yep) and growth that is meant for us all. It’s a worthwhile program, I will request my next thirty day recipe and hope to learn more from all of you as we continue.
    Blessings Deborah… oh side note, and not to offend the beautiful name you were given at birth but I felt the vibration the angels shared with you ‘Atianne’’s the lion, the kitten and a perfect balance of yin and yang!
    My heartfelt thanks!
    Cheers to the continued journey!

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