Day 27 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Ascension

Connection and gratitude are my intentions

I began the meditation seeing swirling energy in a clockwise direction. I just observed and then it seemed that what I was grateful for and other stuff began to gravitate towards the swirling energy and stick to it.

I began to think of a tornado and then a cow was in the air and then I was led back to my images of the good witch/oz. I then I saw an ark in a storm riding the waves. I have called this divine assignment, this music, my Ark.

I am seeing so much about me deepening with the practice and the high vibration of the music. More strength, more confidence, better boundaries, floods in my awareness…

I see the idea of a lion…it is regal and powerful and it knows it’s strength and the idea I understand for me is that I have complete knowing of my power and it is gentle and needs not dominate anyone.

“It is in the true knowing of who you are that comes the understanding of power and how to use it ~ It is from a place of not knowing your true power and your light that power is misused and misrepresented.”

I see very bright yellow, gold and then almost a burnt orange…very powerful and very strong.

I see many things that are being addressed in my life and I am loving what I see and I am shown beings continually streaming support in my/our direction.

I think as I type…”if each of us would be willing to just see all that light and love that surrounds us, so much would change…”

I want this for you…this is my thought as I type.

I don’t know who will read this, but know when you do read this…it is for you.

I feel very in love with my life and how so much has shifted this year and since working with Archangel Ardekiel and even who I am today as opposed to 27 days ago.

There is more of a sense of freedom and it is peaceful.


Deborah “Atianne” Wilson

3 thoughts on “Day 27 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”

  1. ‘Tis the season to believe in miracles and I believe this music is exactly that! Today I was called to contemplate forgiveness as I listened to my “recipe” song. Pairing forgiveness with this music was truly beautiful! Forgiveness of others, forgiveness of self, freedom for all! I do not know what tomorrow’s experience will bring, but I do know I will enter it lighter and more free than I was today. Baby step or giant leap? Hard to tell but both seem so significant!

  2. Tomorrow I will comment on more but tonight, oops 12:10 am my time, I am called to say to you on your ‘in flight meditation to be with your sweetheart’ is ….. WOW, powerful, beautiful, heartfelt and so full of love….
    I hope his Birthday is filled with greatness, and maybe those of us that continue our journey along side you can surround you and your special someone with the brightest lights of love, peace, joy and excitement that support you and him just like you have supported people like me whom you’ve never met, yet are oneness with. Totally love a full circle, I feel he let’s you be you while maintaining his own identity… So very cool and inspiring!!!!
    Enjoy this time, and thank you for continuing to share your journey…. You are making a difference!
    Huge blessings…. Like major angel wing sized ones!!!! 🙂

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