Do Not Force Anything


Sitting to connect to all that is…to awaken the fire within
Impatience comes from attachment, which comes from not allowing and trusting all that is…
You have given/gifted yourself a quiet time in which to study and contemplate and shed old layers to discover what magical layers await you.
Do not force anything.
You have given yourself a time to relinquish fears and feel the bounty in being completely held by all the forces that surround you.
Like a sailing ship on the water, enjoy the time that is without sail and patiently wait to catch the next wind that is always there right around the corner.
You can’t force the wind, but you can be still and enjoy yourself while expecting the wind to come.
Then, when the wind does begin to move, you utilize all the tools and resources you have and begin to sail at a more rapid rate than before.
And know, whether your sails are up or down you are still sailing…always have been.

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