Day 17 Deborah’s Personal “Angelic Recipe”



Song Title: Infinity

My intention today is to connect.

Apparently I need to be more specific. LOL as connection turned out to be random.

The idea of toys came in along with all the universe is your toy to play with.

Then it was thoughts of my upcoming trip, all the things I would like to get done today and other scattered “monkey mind” thoughts.

So I become very aware that this is not going anywhere I had hoped so I just start focusing more on my breath.

Within seconds my third eye is activated with sensations of slight pressure, tingly swirling and all of that spreads down to portions of the bridge of my nose and my physical eyes.

It is what it is…I feel pretty tired today…one of those mornings where I feel I didn’t sleep very much at all.

That’s it, that’s all I got. Profound one day and mundane the next!

Although I am reminded that simply hearing this music and the vibration is somewhat intense sometimes…ok so today, mundane intense-ness!

Till tomorrows adventure~

Deborah “Atianne” Wilson

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