Day 7 ~ Justin’s Oneness Becomes You™ “Angels Recipe”


I love to support and witness the self-evolution of the soul! Join us daily as we can learn and grow from Justin’s experiences with the music of Archangel Ardekiel…you just can’t help but grow and shift your life! See my feedback for Justin at the end of his share~

With Love,

Deborah “Atianne” Wilson

From Justin:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012 (Awakening):

Today I was sitting on Steven’s bed, propped up by pillows, with no medicine bag. I again listened using my phone and earbuds.

Today I did some light Yoga beforehand to help my mind be able to relax and SHUT UP!I then sat on the bed, in position, and breathed deeply, inhaling through my nose and exhaling through my mouth — relaxing. I attribute the Yoga idea to spirit, because exercise is the primary way I connect with spirit on a daily basis.

My written intent before starting (written on my whiteboard): To learn what I can do to increase my intuitive abilities, especially “seeing”.

Day 7 Afterward:

The yoga and breathing seemed to help a TON. It really seemed to shut my mind off and open up the connection to spirit.

At first I saw (though not completely clear), the Great Wolf running toward me.

A bit later, I saw many little moving particles, like small pebbles – can’t quite pinpoint the color though – and they were kind of linked together by some type of thin thread looking substance. I was told that they were water molecules, and that while they were very tiny, they could also make up huge things like rivers. The lesson was to focus on the tiny things, just as I was on the water molecules. Focus on the tiny things my body and intuition tell me and listen to them. All big things are made from small things. Do small things for people, too; they notice them.

Then I saw the profile of the Great Wolf running. I heard the voice say that he could not keep up that pace forever, and that my studying and psychic development was the same way. I could run fast and hard for a short time, or I could take a more reasonable pace and last longer. I was also told this was what I was consciously doing with my seemingly random study periods for the GRE exam – I was pacing myself for a VERY long term event.

In color, I saw a man’s hand pulling something out of a black suit jacket front pocket. The man’s hand was flesh colored, with hair, and the suit was black. The image disappeared before I could see what was being pulled out of the pocket, so I asked to see what he pulled out, and then I got the image of a baseball glove. It was in color, too – brown.

I saw a lot of my typical reddish/pinkish colors (objects such as the Great Wolf were this color, as opposed to the full color picture of day one), and also saw some blue. I don’t have any idea what the baseball glove could mean. I’m not a big baseball fan; just have a passive appreciation for it and watch pieces of a game once in a great while.

Deborah’s Feedback:

Justin, I am enjoying watching from the sidelines as you play and explore. Very clear messages today. Simple yet powerful-

We can be in such a hurry to grow and it can come from a place of wanting to be done and yet we will never be done in our on going expansion! Our job is to be patient and listen and trust the perfection as you are being guided to today!

I see the glove as you ability to actively listen to Spirit~Spirit is always throwing the “ball” in our direction and it is up to us to catch what is being given to us…then decide by making conscious choices about what we want to do! So very Archangel Ardekiel!

Great work Justin!

Deborah “Atianne” Wilson

2 thoughts on “Day 7 ~ Justin’s Oneness Becomes You™ “Angels Recipe”

  1. Thank you so much, Deborah! That’s a great interpretation about the glove! I was so curious, yet lost on that! Another thing that I got when I read your comment was that the glove also represents being open — open to Spirit — just like the glove has to be open in order to catch a ball.

    Did you catch the use of “seemingly” again? (“…seemingly random study periods…”) I didn’t until just now when I read back through! I think it’s an indicator of more progress!

    In this case, I think “seemingly” reveals that, again, the ego is clueless because things are not going *it’s* way – or in a way that makes sense to *it*, while on a spiritual level, the studying is not at all random, but strategically placed for my greatest good.

    I feel the ego pushing me to study for hours a day like I did for my trainer certification, but I feel Spirit saying no and not to burn myself out. I’m taking the high road on this one though, and just trusting that the study times are right, as difficult as it may be for my ego to accept.

    Gratitude and love!

    • Justin,

      I love the hit you have about the glove…perfect and beautiful!

      I use “seemingly” often a well as it helps to reveal that there may be more than meets the eye in the situations I am talking about.

      The EGO is always going to push us if we allow to believe we are not doing enough or we are not enough or that what we want has to take a long time or be really hard.

      Our work is to see the truth.

      Good stuff here!

      To catching more Ideas and inspirations,

      Deborah “Atianne” Wilson

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