Oneness Becomes You™ “Magnum Opus” CD Set

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Oneness Becomes You™ “Magnum Opus” CD Set

Oneness Becomes You™ is the Channeled Music of Archangel Ardekiel for your Ascension. The “Soul” intention of this music is to increase your individual vibration and support your spiritual growth and unfoldment of Oneness Consciousness. Increasing your vibration and deepen the awakening of your Oneness Consciousness allows for more spiritual connection, increase in health and well being, deepening your understanding and connection in your personal relationships and so much more…

The Oneness Becomes You™ collection comes as a 2 CD set. Songs 1-5 are on the 1st CD and songs 6-11 are on the 2nd CD. The CDs are packaged in a DVD case and shipped to you.


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